Ez load 500 bp molecular ruler – Bio-Rad Molecular Mass Rulers User Manual

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Fig. 4. 5 µl of the EZ Load 500 bp molecular ruler was loaded onto a 0.8%
Molecular Biology Certified agarose gel.
The gel was run at 140 V for
2.5 hours in 1x TBE buffer. The gel was stained in EtBr for 15 minutes and
destained in dH


O for 30 minutes.


EZ Load 500 bp Molecular Ruler

Catalog Number 170-8354


Load 5 µl per lane. This loading translates into
400 ng of DNA per lane. Adjustments may be
made to the loading volume for different well
sizes and desired band intensity. The EZ Load
500 bp molecular ruler can be resolved in
agarose gels of up to 2%.


1 vial EZ Load 500 bp molecular ruler, 500 µl
supplied in 5% glycerol, 15 mM Tris pH 8.0,
1.5 mM EDTA, 0.04% bromophenol blue,
0.04% xylene cyanole FF.


80 µg/ml


16 bands: 500–8,000 bp in exact 500 bp
increments. A visually distinct reference band at
5 kb contains three times the concentration of
material found in the other bands.


5,000 bp

5 0 0 b p

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