Bio-Rad ReadyPrep™ 2-D Starter Kit User Manual

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Figure 9 shows the expected pattern when IPG strips of 17 cm, 11 cm, and 7 cm are
stained with IEF gel staining solution (catalog # 161-0434) and destained with Coomassie
Brilliant Blue R-250 destaining solution (catalog # 161-0438).


Preparations Needed Before Beginning IPG Equilibration & SDS-PAGE.
Due to time considerations, it is practical to proceed to running the second-dimension
SDS-PAGE gel if either the 7 cm or 11 cm IPG strips were used. If 17 cm IPG strips were
focused, the length of the SDS-PAGE step is prohibitive in most circumstances to com-
pleting this step the same day. In this case, the IPG strips can be frozen at -70ºC as
described above (section 4.4, step 2) and the SDS-PAGE gel can be run on the next day.

1. Preparation of SDS-PAGE Gels.


Remove from the refrigerator the same number of 8-16% precast polyacrylamide gels
as the number of IPG strips to be run in the second dimension.


Open the packaging for each gel and remove the gels.


Remove the IPG comb from each gel and rinse the well briefly with nanopure
water using a water bottle.


Place the rinsed gels into a tray and when all have been processed, cover the tray
with plastic wrap to prevent the gels from drying out.

2. Preparation of 1X SDS-PAGE Gel Running Buffer.


Prepare sufficient 1X Tris/glycine/SDS (TGS) running buffer to run the number gels of
the size decided upon. See section 5, Appendix, for the recipe for this buffer. Bio-Rad
offers a convenient 10X TGS stock solution which is easily diluted with distilled water
to make 1X running buffer (See Section 6 for ordering information).

3. Preparation of Equilibration Buffer I and II.

The equilibration buffers should be prepared about 15 minutes before use. If the IPG strips were
frozen at -70ºC, they can be removed from the freezer and placed onto the lab bench to thaw
at this time. The strips require 10-15 minutes to thaw. It is best to not leave the thawed IPG
strips for longer than 15-20 minutes as diffusion of the proteins can result in reduced sharpness
of the protein spots.


Fig. 9. Isoelectric focusing of E. coli protein sample in 7 cm, 11 cm, and 17 cm IPG strips

followed by staining with IEF gel staining solution.

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