Troubleshooting guide – Bio-Rad SingleShot™ Cell Lysis RT-qPCR Kits User Manual

Page 13

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© 2014 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.





Green Kit

Troubleshooting Guide


Potential Cause


No amplification
in the RT-qPCR
Delayed Cq
values seen in
RNA detection


Cell lines may contain high
levels of PCR inhibitors


Excess number of cells
used in the lysis reaction


Excess cell culture
medium carryover


Excess lysate used in
the RT-qPCR reaction


Depending on the cell species or culture conditions,
the number of cells or percentage lysate may require
optimization (see Optimizing Input Cell Number and
Input Lysate Amount section)


Generally ≤10


cells can be used successfully in

the SingleShot procedure, but if RT or qPCR fails,
try using 5- to 10-fold fewer cells


Wash cells with PBS to remove contaminants in the
culture medium


Remove as much of the culture medium and PBS
as possible


Use a freshly prepared SingleShot cell lysis master
mix; keep on ice and use within 2 hr


Make sure DNase and proteinase K are added in
the SingleShot cell lysis master mix before treating
the cells

Genomic DNA
is amplified as
seen in the
no-RT control


Incomplete gDNA


DNase and Proteinase K
were not added to the
lysis reaction


Repeat the lysis step. Ensure DNase is added,
the thermal cycling conditions are correct, and the
thermal cycler is working properly

Signal in no
template control
(NTC) reaction


DNA contamination
(NTC melt peak T



identical to the target
gene melt peak T




Primer dimers (NTC melt
peak is broad with a T




Examine the workflow to identify potential
contamination sources by replacing reagents one
by one; use new aliquots of assays


Evaluate the assay design for primer dimer formation;
perform gradient PCR to optimize the annealing
temperature; use a primer matrix to determine the
optimal primer concentration