Aphex Microphone X User Manual
Page 8

Microphone X
Pro Tools 9 and 10 require the DAW to be exited and relaunched
when changing the hardware buffer size. Pro Tools 11 does not
unless Ignore Errors During Playback/Record is checked in the Play-
back Engine window.
Pro Tools will take control of the Microphone X driver. Leave the
Lock Sample Rate checkbox in the driver control panel unchecked.
Aphex recommends following this same method with other DAWs:
Leave the Lock Sample Rate checkbox unchecked and allow the
DAW to control the driver.
If you experience difficulty trying to set up your I/O with the Micro-
phone X, try this trick:
• Open Pro Tools.
• When the Pro Tools launch screen becomes visible, hold down
on your keyboard. This allows you back door access
to the playback engine.
• Select the Microphone X as your device and continue.
• Once Pro Tools finishes launching go to the Setup menu and
• Select the Input tab, delete all input paths and then select
• Create 1 Mono Input and click Create. This path will be named
“Input.” You can double-click it and name it “Mic X.”
• Now click the box just right of “Mono,” under the ApMX icon.
An “M” will appear. Click OK.
• Now click the Output tab, delete all of the output paths and
• Open a new session and select “Stereo Mix” in the I/O Settings
drop down menu.
Once this is done the Microphone X should work with your Pro Tools
The Aphex Microphone X has been tested and found to work with
iPad-2 and iPad-4 running iOS version 6.1.3 and using the Apple