2 depth wheels – Great Plains Simba SL700 Operator Manual User Manual

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Simba SL700




Great Plains SL700 is an amalgamation

of time proven, successful Great Plains

design components brought together to

form this important development. The

SL700 has been designed and produced

to provide a one pass mix with a fissured

layer at disc depth for through drainage

and root access to lower horizons. This

enables rapid drainage and access after

rain, creating a greater effective capacity

for moisture compared to ploughing for the

same effective total depth of cultivation.

In principle, the machine is an offset disc

with Spring reset tines, designed for low

draft, high speed operations. The addition

of a levelling board and rear mounted roll

enables more effective cultivation in one

pass. The leading set of disc blades cultivate

the top horizon, minimising clod formation

and reducing tine loadings and blockage.

This starts the ‘top down’ cultivation process,

retaining weathered tilth in the surface level

for stale seedbed purposes. The tines

follow the disc blades to shatter at depth

retaining the surface intact to work as a stale

seedbed. This eliminates the problem of

‘wet years’ in non-plough based terms. The

key to the SL700’s success is the lower draft

tine point and wing which maintain shatter

across the full width of cultivation. The rear

roll then consolidates the surface, cracks

any clods and firms the soil profile after

the rear gang completes mixing to depth.

The corrugated top and shattered lower

horizons are left fully weatherproof to any

conditions between cultivation and drilling

whilst retaining moisture below the surface

for rapid straw breakdown and optimum

establishment of the next crop.

4.2 Depth Wheels

The depth wheel units support the front of

the machine helping to reduce the load on

the drawbar / rear of tractor in work and

ensuring a level soil finish.

Fig. 4.02: Depth Wheels

4. Adjustment / Operation