Auto accompaniment ............. e-27, Keyboard settings .................. e-32, Connection to a computer ..... e-34 – Casio LK200ES1A User Manual

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Auto Accompaniment ............. E-27

Selecting a Rhythm ................................ E-27

Playing a Rhythm ................................... E-28

Using Auto Accompaniment ................... E-28

Using an Intro Pattern ............................ E-30

Using a Fill-in Pattern ............................. E-30

Using a Rhythm Variation ....................... E-30

Using a Fill-in Pattern with a Variation

Rhythm ................................................... E-31

Synchro Starting Accompaniment with

Rhythm Play ........................................... E-31

Finishing with an Ending Pattern ........... E-31

Keyboard Settings .................. E-32

Adjusting Accompaniment and

Song Bank Volume ................................ E-32

Transposing the Keyboard ..................... E-33

Tuning the Keyboard .............................. E-33

Connection to a Computer ..... E-34

Connecting to a Computer ..................... E-34

Expanding the Selections in the

Song Bank Tunes ................................... E-35

General MIDI Tone ................................. E-36

Changing the Settings ............................ E-36

Using a Memory Card ............. E-38

Getting Ready ........................................ E-39

Reading a Memory Card ........................ E-40

Memory Card Error Messages ............... E-41

Troubleshooting ...................... E-43

Specifications .......................... E-45

Care of your keyboard ............ E-46

Appendix .................................... A-1

Tone List / Note Table ............................... A-1

Drum Assignment List .............................. A-4

FINGERED Chord Chart .......................... A-5

Rhythm List .............................................. A-6

Song List .................................................. A-7

MIDI messages that can be sent
and received using the USB port