LaMotte EZ 3-0034 User Manual
Page 6

has moved around the surface. Place the lid back on the dish and incubate for 48
hours. Disinfect the forceps (alcohol pad, dilute household bleach, soap and water).
Did anything grow?
Other inoculum ideas: Gently touch one of the following to a poured dish: dirty
sock, old toothbrush, dust, pencil etc.
• Procedure for Testing Food: Coliscan Easygel can be used to determine E. coli
and coliforms in food, beverages and dairy products. Follow the streak plate
method above. Weigh a given size sample of food (10 g for example) and then
sterilely blend it in 90 mL of diluent (0.1% peptone water for example) using
sterile technique. Add 1-5 mL to a bottle of Easygel, swirl it and pour the
Easygel-sample mix into a pretreated plate. Allow it to gel and incubate. Count
the number of CFU and determine how many were present per gram of the
original sample using the same formulas in steps 12-14.
• Lesson Plans/Activities/Hints: Find additional exercises on our website: Click on education and outdoor monitoring.
Ap pa ra tus
• The equipment supplied with this kit – bottles, dishes, droppers - is sterile. Take
care that it remains sterile. Do not touch the inside of dishes, bottlenecks or
inside of caps, or tips of droppers with fingers
Coliscan Easygel
• Coliscan Easygel is non-toxic before it is inoculated. It can be stored safely in a
freezer with food.
• Coliscan Easygel can be refrozen if it has been thawed and not used.
• Coliscan Easygel can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.
• Coliscan Easygel will keep for 6 weeks in the refrigerator or two weeks at room
• Coliscan Easygel should be thawed at room temperature overnight. Bottles
may also be thawed for same day use by standing the bottles in warm water
until the contents become liquid.
• Coliscan Easygel contains dissolved solids that may settle out. Shake the bottle
vigorously to suspend the solids and allow it to stand for several minutes to let
air bubbles dissipate before using it.
• If Coliscan Easygel is contaminated and growth is evident in the bottle, do not
use it. If contamination is present, growth will usually be apparent throughout
the contents of the bottle, not just on the bottom, and shaking will not make
the sediment disappear.