LaMotte EZ 3-0034 User Manual
L mott, Coliquant ez

ColiQuant EZ
Code 3-0034
10 bottles
Coliscan Easygel
, 20 mL
Petri dishes, pretreated, with lids, sterile
Collection bottles, sterile
Droppers, 3 mL, sterile
ColiQuant EZ Manual
ColiQuant EZ Colony Color Guide
Coliscan Easygel is a registered trademark of Micrology Laboratories LLC
Storage Con di tions
Coliscan Easygel should be placed in the freezer (2 – 6°C) as soon as it is received.
Coliscan Easygel can be refrozen if it has been thawed and not been used. Coliscan
Easygel should be thawed at room temperature overnight. Bottles may also be thawed
for same day use by standing the bottles in warm water until the contents become
liquid. Coliscan Easygel will keep for 6 weeks in the refrigerator or 12 months in the
• Coliscan Easygel is non-toxic. Additional information for all LaMotte reagents
is available in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin
Islands from Chem-Tel by calling 1-800-255-3924. For other areas, call
813-248-0585 collect to contact Chem-Tel’s International access number.
• Read the entire manual before performing any tests.
• Be sure that students understand the danger of treating reagents casually or
endangering others through “horseplay”.
• Wear safety glasses and protective gloves when appropriate.
• Wash hands or use a hand sanitizer after performing tests. Avoid placing hands
in contact with eyes or mouth. Do not eat or drink or apply cosmetics during
testing or clean up.
• Wipe tabletops and work areas with disinfectant, such as a 1:10 dilution of
household bleach, after each use.
• Follow the general safety guidelines for your school.
L Mott