LaMotte Water & Soil pH User Manual

Page 12

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FUNGUS: A primitive group of plants characterized by the absence of

chlorophyll; includes mushrooms, molds, mildews, rusts and smuts which

live primarily on dead or living organic matter.
HUMUS: Well decomposed vegetable and animal material in the soil

which is capable of holding large amounts of plant nutrients and water.
HYDROXYL ION: A negatively charged particle (OH


) containing

oxygen and hydrogen. Hydroxyl ions raise pH.
HYDROGEN ION: A positively charged particle (H


) containing only

hydrogen. Hydrogen ions lower pH.
INDICATOR: A chemical reagent added to a test sample which causes a

color change.
INDICATOR SOLUTION: A liquid reagent added to a test sample to

cause a color change.
ION: An electrically charged particle.
LEACHING EFFECT: The removal of dissolved chemical compounds

from the soil by passing water through it.
LEAF MARGIN: The border or edge of a leaf. A leaf margin may appear

smooth, saw-like, or tooth-like.
LITMUS PAPER: Paper used to determine pH. When dipped in a

solution litmus paper turns blue if the solution is alkaline, pink if it is

LOAM: Soil which contains sand, silt, and clay. Soils that are

predominantly sand but contain some silt and clay are called sandy loams.

Soils that are predominantly clay but contain sand and silt are called clay

MACRONUTRIENT: Those nutrients which the plants require in large

quantities. The macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,

calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.