LaMotte Pool Manager Water Quality Handbook User Manual

Page 9

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There are a variety of water test kits available to the
pool manager. Each has its own unique set of directions
which should be read very

carefully. Though reagents

may look similar from one kit to the next, the color
standards in the color comparator or viewer can vary
from one manufacturer to another. Therefore, it is
important to realize that reagents or procedures are not
interchangeable from test kit to test kit.
One of the most ignored, yet vital, directions in every
test kit instruction is always to rinse and clean the test
tubes and sampling equipment thoroughly. This should
be done before and after each test. Unclean tubes can
result in test container staining, and may inadvertently
cause false readings if reagent or water remains in a
container from a previous test.
When using a color comparator always read test results
against a white background. If your comparator does
not have a diffusion screen or a transparent white screen
behind the color standards, it may be necessary to hold a
piece of white plastic or paper behind the comparator
when reading results. This procedure will neutralize
background interferences which can significantly affect
test results.
If you ever have trouble determining test results, take
your kit, along with a water sample, to a local pool
retailer or service professional for advice. Several “do’s”
and “don’ts” are listed on the following page.