LaMotte Pool Manager Water Quality Handbook User Manual

Page 31

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Why do we test Bromine?

Since the test for adequate sanitizer is always the most
important for protecting swimmer health, the bromine
test is vital. When used, a minimum bromine residual of
3 ppm should be maintained within the pool which will
assure proper levels of sanitization within the water.
Always monitor bromine frequently during periods of
heavy bather use.

How do we test Bromine?

Operators should use DPD to test bromine. This is read
against color standards in a visual comparator. Since
Free Bromine and Combined Bromine are similar in
sanitizing strength, they both react with a DPD #1 tablet
or 1A and 1B liquids. This reading represents the level
of Total Bromine.
If a bromine comparator is not available, operators can
use a chlorine comparator and multiply the reading by
2.25 to calculate ppm bromine. But for best results, a
bromine comparator should be used.

Ideal Ranges for Bromine
Pools and Spas: 3 - 6 ppm