LaMotte Pool Manager Water Quality Handbook User Manual
Page 8

and alkalinity are also very important to the overall safe
operation of the pool. Cloudy water, skin and eye
irritation all result from improper pH and alkalinity
levels in swimming pool water. The pH must also be
properly maintained to maximize the sanitizing
effectiveness of chlorine. The remaining tests which are
performed on pool water are more important to the
overall protection of the pool and its mechanical parts.
Protecting the pool
Maintaining a proper pH level is the first step toward
protecting the pool. Corrosive conditions, which result
from a low pH, can severely damage pool surfaces,
plumbing, and cause bad staining problems.
Scale can result from a high pH and can clog waterlines,
filters, and leave residues on pool surfaces and parts. By
using daily water tests to make proper chemical
adjustments, the pool and its parts are better protected,
and should last much longer.
Protecting against chemical expense
The most common mistake made in treating pool and
spa water is using improper amounts of chemicals.
However, there are numerous occasions when chemicals
are added in excess of the water’s actual need. This
contributes to an imbalance in the pool chemistry,
which can be harmful to both the swimmer and the
pool, and as a result, more chemicals have to be added
in order to bring the pool back into balance. In extreme
cases swimmers may be restricted from using the pool.
Accurate water analyses should be used to determine
which chemicals need to be added. Chemical treatment
charts have been provided in the back of this handbook.
While there is no substitute for formal instruction in
operating a swimming pool, a retail pool professional
should be consulted for advice on how to add chemicals.