Exide Technologies Section 93.10 User Manual
Page 5
If such conditions are found, make description notation on
delivery receipt before signing. If cell damage is found, request
an inspection by the carrier and file a damage claim. Also noti-
fy local GNB representative of action taken.
3.1 Concealed Damage
Shortly after receipt (within 15 days), examine all cells for con-
cealed damage. Pay particular attention to packing material
exhibiting damage or electrolyte staining. Perform examination
prior to installation and disposal of packing materials. Cells with
electrolyte levels more that 1/2" below top of plates have suf-
fered probable permanent damage due to plate exposure to air.
If this condition or other cell damage is found, request an inspec-
tion by the carrier immediately and file a concealed damage
claim. Examine cells for container damage, misaligned ele-
ments, broken plates, or any other visible damage.
3.2 Electrolyte Levels
Cells are shipped with electrolyte levels about 1/8" below the
high level line. During shipment, the levels drop due to the loss
of gases from internal cell components. The amount of drop in
level will vary with each type of cell. Electrolyte levels, when
received, may range from the high level line to slightly below the
low level line. If this condition exists, make no addition of elec-
trolyte or water at this time (see Section 8.2). If certain cells
have low electrolyte levels, with less than 1/2" of plates exposed
to air, add battery grade sulphuric acid of the same specific grav-
ity as the remaining cells; thus bringing low level cells up to the
average level of other cells.
4.0 Storage Prior to Installation
4.1 Storage Location
If the battery is not to be installed at the time of the receipt, it is
recommended that it be stored indoors in a cool, 60° F (15.6° C)
to 90° F (32° C), clean, dry location. Do not top load pallets or
possible cell damage may occur. Storage or transport of flooded
lead-acid batteries at temperatures exceeding 120°F (49°C) can
cause detimental effects on plastic components and battery
state of health which may void warranty.
4.2 Parts and Accessories
Prior to planned installation of battery, the separately packaged
parts and accessories should be opened and checked against
shipping invoice for completeness. Discovery of missing or
incorrect parts during installation may cause delays resulting
from reordering and shipment of replacements. Store parts in
safe location to prevent loss.
4.3 Storage Interval
For batteries shipped wet, fully-charged, the following storage
intervals from date of shipment to date of installation and initial
charge should not be exceeded:
Lead-Antimony Types:
Three (3) Months
Lead Calcium Types:
Six (6) Months
Storage beyond the above stated periods can result in sul-
phated plates which can be detrimental to battery life and
The battery should be given its initial charge (see Section
8.0) before the end of the above stated storage intervals and
repeated for each additional storage interval.
If permanent installation is deferred for an extended time
period, the battery may be temporarily connected and main-
tained on a floating charge (see Section 9).
Failure to charge in accordance with the above can void the
battery's warranty.
4.4 Dry-Charged Batteries
For batteries shipped dry-charged, follow special handling
and preparation instructions supplied as well as appropriate
sections of this Manual.
5.0 Rack Assembly
Assembly of the battery rack should be completed in accor-
dance with the GNB drawing and/or instructions included
with the rack.
6.0 Unpacking and Handling
Most cells are packed in individual corrugated cartons.
Some smaller size cells are packed in a master carton con-
taining 2 (two) or 3 (three) cells. Cartons are shipped on
wood pallets.
Figure 1