Introduction (cont.) – Culligan Gold SeriesTM User Manual
Page 6

A water conditioner is frequently referred to as “the appliance that pays for itself ”. You’ll find that your
savings on soaps, detergents, cleaning aids, and personal care products will help your family’s household
budget. And if you place a price on your time, you’ll be most happy with the time saved by your new
family servant.
If possible, lawn sprinkling faucets should be supplied with hard water primarily because it is
uneconomical to soften so much water.
Household plants are much more sensitive than lawns with respect to the kind of water which is best.
First, because they receive no rainfall and, second, there is little or no drainage of the soil. Preferably they
should be watered with rainwater or water which is low in mineral content such as distilled or
demineralized water. Softened water is not recommended for house plants because a build-up of sodium
in the soil may interfere with efficient absorption of water by the plant root system. Additional
information may be obtained from your independently operated Culligan dealer.
Introduction (cont.)