Vixen Sphinx SXP User Manual

Page 13

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CAUTION: Be sure to handle the counterweight carefully as it is a very heavy item.

The counterweight bar is in the declination body. You may balance the SXP mount with only the counterweight bar to start.





Tips on Assembling the Mount

Generally equatorial mounts are heavier on the declination axis side. Because of this feature, placing the equatorial mount so that its
declination axis comes directly over one of the tripod legs can make the equatorial mount most stable when you use the equatorial
mount for a north (or south) latitude of 50 degrees and lower. However, the balance of the equatorial mount may vary if the equatorial
mount is used in latitude higher than 50 degrees. This may result in shifting the center of balance to the opposite side of the
declination axis depending on the location of the loading equipment. Change the position of the tripod legs so that the equatorial
mount becomes more stable in such a case.

Loosen the counterweight bar lock lever to draw out the counterweight bar.

Tighten the counterweight bar lock lever with the counterweight bar extended fully.

Remove the safety screw on the end of the counterweight bar. Loosen the lock screw on the side of a
counterweight and install the counterweight by sliding it onto the counterweight bar.

Attach the counterweight so that the lock screw on the counterweight
is on the far side of the safety screw as shown in the figure.

Tighten the counterweight lock screw and replace the safety screw to screw it down on the end of the
counterweight bar tightly.

Far Side

.Attaching the Counterweight

Lock Lever



Lock Lever





Safety Screw

Safety Screw

Safety Screw

Safety Screw

Lock Screw

Far Side

Lock Screw

Lock Screw

Lock Screw