English – Reloop DIGITAL JOCKEY User Manual
Page 41

DIV: Auto Cue display
Here you can see if the auto cue function is enabled. It is possible to (de-)activate
the auto cue function in the pre-settings menue -43 S-, rider “Audio System
Settings”, item “Enable Auto Cue”.
DV: Auto BPM display
Shows if the automatic BPM analysis is enabled.
DVI: Cue display
This display will flash while setting a cue point and it shines in cue mode.
DVII: Remain display
Shows whether the remain or elapsed time display is enabled.
You can switch between remain/elapsed mode by clicking the time display
DIX: Track number display
Shows the track numbers from deck A / deck B playlists -LII-.
DX: Title display
Shows current track's name.
DXI: BPM display
Shows the currently set BPM value.
DXII: Pitch display
Shows the currently set pitch value.
DXIII: Time display
Shows the current time, depending on the remain/elapsed mode. (see DVII).
The time display is shown in minutes, seconds and frames.
3.2. Browsing and loading tracks
Via the large Trax Encoder -1 H- you can browse a database or selected playlist.
In order to assign the desired track to a player push the Load A or Load B button
-2 H-.
In order to change between files or playlists push and hold the shift button -23
H- and turn the Trax Encoder -1 H-.
By pushing the Trax Encoder -1 H- or clicking the playlist button -42 S- you
can maximize or minimize a playlist.
Via the shift button -23 H- you can call up a second function of a control
element. This way the number of MIDI compatible elements is doubled.
Watch out for noted regarding a double assignment in order to be able to use
all functions of your controller.