RCBS APS Priming Tool User Manual

Page 5

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holder and bushing into the slot on the
tool. By rotating the shell holder
counter-clockwise while pressing
unit firmly to the rear of the slot.

Peel a strip from the package of APS
primers and take a look at the ends.
One end of the strip is cut square
and the other end has two little hooks
on it. See photo #6. The end with the
hooks is the end that feeds into the
tool. Hold the strip so the primers
are anvil-side-up and insert the strip
into the tool until it clicks in place.
See photo #6. If the strip does not
slip in easily, it is probably because
the “step” where the hooks connect
to the strip is hitting the face of the tool.
To help it into position, you may need
to lift up on the square cut (left) end
of the strip to get the step under the
edge of the tool. If the strip is inserted
backwards (square end first) the
primer plug can wedge in the strip
and you will have to disassemble.

Insert a case into the shell holder
and lower the handle to seat a primer.
Then STOP with the handle down!
Insert the the cam lock pin to adjust
the primer depth. See photo #7. The
cam lock pin will stop the strip from
advancing while making this adjust-
ment. Use the primer adjustment
screw on the base of the priming

tool. Raise the handle and remove
case and check for primer seating
d e p t h . Tu r n s c r e w c l o c k w i s e f o r
deeper seating depth and counter-
clockwise for less seating depth. See
photo #7. The adjustment screw lim-
its the handle travel at the seating
depth you want (flush – .004 deep)
and prevents crushing primers. If
you did not use the pin to stop the strip
from advancing, another primer is
in place to be seated. Do not return
the primed case to the shell holder
and try to seat the primer deeper
without clearing the second primer
from the machine. Remove and dis-
card the second primer.

Once you are satisfied with the primer
seating depth you are ready to prime
cases. With the handle down, pull
the cam lock pin out of the tool and
start priming. Be sure to operate the
handle through the full stroke – all
the way up and all the way down.
Remember, the primer strips are
designed to connect to each other. So
for continuous primer feeding, just
connect another strip onto the end
of the strip in the tool when there is
at least one inch of the ramp available
to support the new strip. See photo
#8. The strip can be removed at any
point in the process by pushing or
pulling the strip through the right-hand
side of the tool.


Photo #6

Photo #7