RCBS APS Priming Tool User Manual
Page 3

• This product is intended for use
by persons familiar with proper
handloading practices and their
own loading equipment. If you are
uncertain as to the operation of
any of your equipment, contact the
equipment manufacturer for addi-
tional assistance.
Because RCBS has no control over
the choice of components, the man-
ner in which they are assembled,
the use of this product, or the guns
in which the resulting ammunition
may be used, no responsibility –
e i t h e r e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d – i s
assumed for the use of ammunition
reloaded with this product.
The APS Priming System is an entirely
new way to prime cases. It’s fast, it’s
safe and it’s convenient. This revo-
lutionary system eliminates the han-
d l i n g o f l o o s e p r i m e r s a n d t h e
contamination that goes with it. Plus,
it insures a smooth feed and a highly
sensitive feel with every primer seated.
T h e r e a r e t w o A P S t o o l s ; o n e i s
b e n c h - m o u n t e d
a n d t h e o t h e r i s
press-mounted. Each one is designed
to fit specific reloading needs. The
tool is for the reloader
who likes to prime cases on a sep-
arate dedicated piece of equipment.
This way the priming tool is always
ready to use when you need it. The
press-mounted tool works the same
way as the bench-mounted tool except
it attaches to your reloading press.
It has standard 7/8x14 threads to fit
in the die station.
Both tools use the new APS primer
strips. Each strip is color-coded for
identification and holds 25 primers.
With each handle stroke, a fresh
primer is seated into the case and
the primer strip advances through
the APS body to position another
primer for seating. The primer strips
are designed to connect to each other
for continuous feed. See photo #3.
Please call us if you have any ques-
tions at any time while assembling or
operating this equipment.
Carefully unpack the priming tool
and look for the following items:
• APS bench-mounted tool
• APS handle
• One small bushing
• One large bushing
• Small primer plug
• Large primer plug
• Cam lock pin
Photo #3