RCBS APS Priming Tool User Manual
Page 10

happens. While pushing on the han-
dle lever, notice the 25 pins will retract
allowing insertion of strip.
Now it’s time to try a “dry run.” Don’t
put any primers on the tray just yet.
The dry run will help you become
comfortable with installing and remov-
ing the primer strip from the tool.
With a little practice you’ll soon learn
the “feel” for how far to depress the
handle lever.
First, take an empty strip in your
right hand. Hold it by the square end
and with the flat side of the strip fac-
ing up. See photo #17. Now, with
your left hand, push part way down
on the handle lever until the 25 pins
are just flush with the bottom of the
primer channel. See photo #18. At the
same time insert the empty strip into
the loader from the right-hand side of
the tool. The strip should slide right
into the tool. See photo #19. If it does
not, it is because the handle lever is
not pressed down far enough or is
pressed down too far. Try moving
Photo #18
Photo #19
Photo #16
Photo #17