RCBS Cowboy Dies User Manual
Page 8

unit is adjusted correctly, the decapping pin will protrude below the bottom of
the die just enough to reliably knock out the spent primer (approx. 1/4”). Trim
cases after the sizing and expanding operation. We suggest trimming 10 thou-
sandths less than the maximum length. The next step is to prime the case and
then fill it with the predetermined powder charge. Then seat the bullet. Usually
the reloader performs one operation at a time on each lot of cases; sizing and
decapping, priming and filling them with powder and then seating the bullets.
Screw the Sizer Die into the press until the die touches the top of the shell
holder when the shell holder is brought up to the top of the press stroke.
Tighten the large lock ring. DO NOT CAM OVER.
Screw the Sizer Die into the press until the die touches the top of the shell
holder when the shell holder is brought up to the top of the press stroke. Be
sure all play is removed from the press leverage system. To do this, adjust the
die as above, lower the shell holder and set the die 1/8 to 1/4 of a turn lower.
Set the large lock ring. The decapping unit is adjusted by loosening the small
lock ring at the top of the die and turning the decapping rod until the desired
setting is obtained. When the decapping unit is adjusted correctly, the decap-
ping pin will protrude below the bottom of the die just enough to reliably
knock out the spent primer (approx. 1/4”).
Important: Do not allow the decapping unit to contact the web of the case.
Screw the expander die into the press until the die touches the top of the shell
holder when the shell holder is brought up to the top of the press stroke. Place
A Tungsten Carbide Sizer Die will give a lifetime of perfect service if
properly cared for. However, the die will not withstand severe
impact, such as dropping. The shell holder should never strike the
bottom of the die. When using a Carbide Sizer Die it is not necessary
to lubricate a pistol straight-wall case. Screw the die into the press
until it just touches the shell holder. DO NOT CAM OVER.