RCBS Cowboy Dies User Manual
Page 7

nickel cases or grit on the brass surface. If you are using nickel pistol cases, we
recommend that you use a carbide sizer die. This die is hard enough to resist
the scratching that nickel cases cause. The best method for cleaning brass cases
of grit is to tumble them. Tumbling the cases will clean the surface and prevent
scratching the internal die surface. Your cases should be cleaned periodically to
protect both your dies and the chamber of your firearms. The RCBS Vibratory
Case Cleaner is recommended for cleaning cases. Before storing dies, lightly
spray them with Outers Tri Lube or Metal Seal to protect them from rust.
Clean and inspect cases before lubricating and
sizing. Discard any cases with indications of a
split neck or partial head separation. Check cases
for the correct overall length. If necessary, trim
after sizing. If bullets are to be crimped, it is
imperative that cases be trimmed to the same
overall length. Trimmed case mouths should be
deburred and lightly chamfered inside and out
with an RCBS Deburring Tool or use the RCBS
Three Way Cutter in your case trimmer.
Cases must be properly lubricated before sizing.
Over-lubrication will result in a dented case
shoulder. Improper or no lubrication will result in
a case stuck in the sizer die. For best results use
RCBS Case Slick Spray Lube or Case Lube-2 applied to an RCBS Case Lube Pad.
Case mouths should be very lightly lubricated with an RCBS Case Neck Brush.
These accessories are available from your dealer as individual items or combined
in the RCBS Case Lube Kit. Do not lubricate the shoulders of bottle-neck type cases.
After the cases are lubricated they
are ready to go through the
reloading steps.
The decapping pin is adjusted
by loosening the small lock ring
at the top of the die and turning
the decapping unit until the desired setting is obtained. When the decapping
Lightly chamfer the case mouth with
a Deburring Tool to remove rough
edges for easier bullet seating.
Roll cases on an RCBS Case Lube Pad for proper lubrication.