ExpoImaging ExpoDisc Instructions for Film Cameras User Manual

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2. Meter Calibration

On any clear day when your shadow isn’t more than four strides long, install
your ExpoDisc in front of your SLR camera lens, set the aperture at f/16, shutter
speed at 1/125th of a second, and ASA indicator at 100.

Focus the lens at infinity, turn on the camera meter, point the camera and
ExpoDisc directly at the sun, and reset the ASA indicator (if necessary) until the
meter indicates good exposure conditions.

Note the number of “click-stops” involved, and apply that same amount of re-
adjustment to the recommended ASA indicator setting for any film used in the
camera, after first setting it to match the film’s ASA rating.

EXAMPLE: If you had to lower the ASA indicator setting from 100 to 80 (i.e., one

“click-stop”), in the above procedure, then for use with Fuji Velvia 50 ASA film,
you would lower the ASA setting from 50 to 40.

3. Film Exposure

3.a. Front-lit Subjects

This category includes all front-lit and uniformly lit subjects and scenes in which
there are no significant highlight or shadow areas.

1. Stand in the same lighting as your subject (although not necessarily beside it),
put your camera in its manual exposure mode and mount your ExpoDisc in front

of the camera.
2. Then point the camera and ExpoDisc in the direction directly opposite that in

which you will be pointing it to make the exposure.
3. Turn on the camera meter, adjust the aperture and/or shutter speed settings
until the camera meter indicates good exposure conditions, and turn off the

4. Return to your shooting position (if you left it to do your metering) and

remove the ExpoDisc from in front of the camera lens.
5. Cock the shutter, aim the camera, check the framing, and shoot.

3.b. Side-lit Subjects

These include all subjects and scenes in which there are significant highlight and

shadow areas, and in which the highlight areas are most important.

Follow the procedure described for photographing front-lit subjects, but after
pointing your camera and ExpoDisc directly away from the subject and before
adjusting the exposure settings, swing the camera and ExpoDisc about one-third

of the way towards the main light source.

3.c. Back-lit Subjects

This category includes all subjects and scenes in which there are significant
highlight and shadow areas, and in which the shadow areas are most important.