ExpoImaging ExpoDisc Quickstart Guide User Manual
Expo disc, Quickstart guide for digital cameras

When photographing subjects under ambient light, it is best to stand in similar light as your subject and point the
camera towards the main light source. If there is not a dominant light illuminating your subject, then it is important
to capture the combined incident and refl ected light falling on your subject by pointing the camera back towards
the location from where you will take the picture.
The best results are obtained when light from the fl ash passes through the ExpoDisc in the custom white balance
procedure. This is most easily accomplished when using removable fl ash units, or when utilizing bounce (refl ected)
fl ash to illuminate the subject.
Camera-Mounted Bounce Flash.
When using bounce fl ash to illuminate the subject, aim the camera and the fl ash
towards the bounce surface (e.g., ceiling) for your custom white balance capture.
Camera-Mounted Direct Flash.
When using camera mounted fl ash units to directly illuminate the subject, remove
the fl ash (if possible) and position it at your intended shooting position (either set it on a fl at surface, or use a
tripod or assistant). Then, from your subject’s intended position, set the custom white balance by aiming the
camera back towards the fl ash unit.
We do not recommend setting a custom white balance while using camera-mounted direct fl ash if you
cannot remove the fl ash unit to set the custom white balance. The ExpoDisc is an incident tool, aiming the
camera at the subject to set a custom white balance may not incorporate enough light from your camera mounted
fl ash, and instead may create a colorcast by incorporating disproportionate amounts of back-lighting or side-lighting.
Flash Positioned Off-Camera.
When photographing with remotely positioned, removable fl ash units it is important
to position or place the fl ash at its intended lighting position, then from subject position aim the camera back
towards shooting position for your custom white balance capture.
tips for specific applications
- continued
121 Aviation Way, Watsonville, CA 95076
Phone 800.446.5086
(Only within U.S.A)
Professional Digital White Balance
Quickstart Guide for diGital cameras
Contents Copyright © 2007 - ExpoImaging, Inc.
Image Copyright © D. Maynard