ExpoImaging ExpoDisc: Nikon Custom WB User Manual

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Copyright, 2013 ExpoImaging, Inc.
“Nikon” and the Nikon camera models listed are Trademarks of Nikon, Inc.

Nikon D3/D90/D300/D700/D7000/D7100

1. Install the ExpoDisc over the front of the cameraʼs lens.
2. Allow the camera to set an automatic exposure using the P, S, or A modes or

set the correct manual exposure in M mode.

3. Press the WB button and rotate the main command dial until ʻPreʼ is displayed

in the control panel.

4. Release the WB button briefly and then press the button until the ʻPreʼ icon

starts to flash. A flashing ‘Pre’ will also appear in the top control panel and
viewfinder. At default settings, the display with flash for about 6 seconds.

5. With ʻPreʼ blinking, aim the camera towards the light source illuminating the

subject. Press the shutter release button. The camera will measure a value
for white balance and store it in preset d-0. No photograph will be recorded;
white balance can be measured accurately even when the camera is not in

6. ʻGoodʼ will replace ʻPreʼ in the control panel to indicate a successful white


7. Improper exposure may result in a 'no Gd' reading. If ʻno Gdʼ appears, then

adjust exposure and repeat steps 3-5 until you see Good flash in the control

8. If the new value for preset white balance will be used immediately, select d-0

by pressing the WB button and rotating the sub-command dial until d-0 is
displayed in the rear control panel.

9. Remove the ExpoDisc and start shooting.

Nikon D4/D600/D610/D800

1. Install the ExpoDisc over the front of the cameraʼs lens.
2. Allow the camera to set an automatic exposure using the P, S, or A modes or

set the correct manual exposure in M mode.

3. Press the WB button and rotate the main command dial until ʻPRE’ is

displayed in the rear control panel.

4. Press the WB button again and while holding it down rotate the sub-command

dial until the desired white balance preset (d-1 to d-4) is displayed in the
control panel.

5. Release the WB button briefly and then press the button until the ʻPREʼ icon

starts to flash. A flashing ‘Pre’ will also appear in the top control panel and
viewfinder. The display with flash for about 6 seconds.

6. With ʻPreʼ blinking, aim the camera towards the light source illuminating the

subject. Press the shutter release button. The camera will measure a value
for white balance and store it in the preset selected (d-1 to d-4). No
photograph will be recorded; white balance can be measured accurately even
when the camera is not in focus.