Flight trimming flying field choice – E-flite Apprentice S 15e RTF with SAFE User Manual
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Flight Trimming
Flying Field Choice
Elevator trim:
Only trim the aircraft at half throttle. When trimmed correctly, your aircraft
will fly level at half throttle.
• When the aircraft’s nose drifts up or down while the elevator stick is at
neutral (centered) position, push the elevator trim button by one or two
“click” increments OPPOSITE the direction of drift.
• Adjust trim so the aircraft flies straight and level when the elevator stick is
Rudder trim:
• When the aircraft drifts left or right while the rudder stick is at the neutral
position (centered), push the rudder trim button by one “beep” increments
OPPOSITE the direction of drift.
• Adjust trim so the aircraft flies straight when the control stick is neutral.
Aileron trim:
• When the aircraft’s wing drops from level on one side while the aileron stick
is at the neutral (centered) position, push the aileron trim button by one or
two “click” increments OPPOSITE the direction of roll.
• Adjust trim so the aircraft flies straight and level when the aileron stick is
You can return any trim setting to neutral by pushing the trim button
until the beep signal sounds the middle position. Rising or descending
tones sound when a switch is being pushed.
Always choose a wide-open space for flying your aircraft. It is ideal for you to
fly at an RC club flying field. Always avoid flying near houses, trees, wires and
buildings. You should also be careful to avoid flying in areas where there are
many people, such as busy parks, schoolyards, or soccer fields. Consult local
laws and ordinances before choosing a location to fly your aircraft.
The site should:
• Have a minimum of 600 feet (183m) of clear space in all directions.
• Stay clear of pedestrians.
• Stay free of trees, buildings, cars, power lines or anything that could
entangle your aircraft or interfere with your line of sight.
Remember, you aircraft at full throttle can cover ground quickly.
Plan on flying in an area that gives you more space than you think you need,
especially with first flights.
600 feet
(183 m)
Stand here
Fly in this area
(upwind of pilot)
Make yourself familiar with your transmitter’s controls and the aircraft’s
response before flying by performing the recommended Control Direction
Test. The flight trim buttons are used to fine tune your aircraft for straight and
level flight. When trimmed correctly, your aircraft flies a straight path with
wings level, steadily climbs at full throttle, maintains a constant altitude at half
throttle, and gently descends at low throttle. SAFE technology must learn your
aircraft trim values to ensure consistent flight behavior. The trim values are
learned when the receiver initially powers up. If you need to adjust the trim
values in flight, set the aircraft to half throttle, make the necessary adjustments
using the flight trim buttons, then keep the throttle position constant and the
aileron, elevator, and rudder controls at the neutral position for 3 seconds. If
you need more than 4 clicks on a trim button to make the aircraft fly straight
and level at half throttle, you should mechanically adjust the control surfaces
as shown in the control surface centering section.
IMPORTANT: For best results, trimming should always be done while flying
directly into the wind using the Intermediate or Experienced Flight Modes.
Drifting down
Up Trim
Straight and Level
No Trim
Drifting Up
Down Trim
Straight and Level
No Trim
Drifting Left
Right Trim
Drifting Right
Left Trim
Straight and Level
No Trim
Drifting Left
Right Trim
Drifting Right
Left Trim