Brady TLS2200 User Manual
Page 18

BRADY 12345
Text Editing Notes:
If you attempt to enter too many characters on a label line, the message “Reduce Type
Size” will flash on the display. To allow more characters to fit on the line, press
<Shift> + < ? > to decrease the font size.
To move within the text of a multi-line legend, use the arrow keys to move the cursor up,
down, left, or right.
The font size, once set for a particular line, will remain constant for any new lines until
changed by the user.
A change to the Rotation value will cause the following to occur:
all characters and lines on a label will be deleted
the cursor will move to the first character position on line 1.
the font will be set to the default size for the label
To ensure that text is not deleted, always set the rotation value before entering your
You will know when you have attempted to enter more lines than will fit on a label when
pressing the
Any legend entered on the text editor will be saved when the unit is turned OFF. Just
turn the unit back ON, and the legend will reappear on the display. This rule holds true
only if the part number of the label roll loaded in the unit is not changed while the unit is
turned OFF. If the TLS2200 System detects a label size change when turned ON, or if a
different label size is loaded while the unit is ON, text on the display will be cleared,
the default font size will be set, and the previously saved legend will be lost.
Values set for Setup Menu options (Rotation, Horizontal and Vertical Justification, etc..)
will remain unchanged when performing any of the following actions:
Turn the unit OFF
Values will change to default values however, if a new label roll with a different label
size is loaded into the unit.
Text already entered on a line can be switched from “Text” to “Barcode” mode and vice
versa. If the size of the bar code or text being switched to does not fit on the label, you