Sle30 expert, Series slot sensor, Sle30 expert series slot sensor specifications – Banner SL30 Series Slot Sensors User Manual

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SLE30 Expert

Series Slot Sensor


Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Website: • Tel: 612.544.3164

SLE30 Expert Series Slot Sensor Specifications

Supply Voltage and Current

10 to 30V dc (10% maximum ripple) at less than 45 mA, exclusive of load

Supply Protection Circuitry

Protected against reverse polarity and transient voltages

Output Configuration

Bipolar: One current sourcing (PNP) and one current sinking (NPN) open-collector transistor

Output Rating

150mA maximum each output at 25°C, derated to 100 mA at 70°C (derate

1 mA per °C)

OFF-state leakage current: less than 5µA @ 30V dc
ON-state saturation current: less than 1V @ 10 mA; less than 1.5V @ 150 mA

Output Protection Circuitry

Protected against false pulse on power-up and continuous overload or short-circuit of outputs

Output Response Time

Sensors will respond to either a “light” or a “dark” signal of 500 microseconds (or 150 microseconds,
depending on model) or longer duration, 1 kHz max.
NOTE: 1 second delay on power-up; outputs are non-conducting during this time.


100 microseconds or 75 microseconds, depending on model


Push-button TEACH mode sensitivity setting (see TEACH mode, page 3); remote TEACH mode input is
provided (gray wire)


Two LEDs: Yellow and Bi-color Green/Red

Green (RUN Mode):

ON when power is applied
Flashes when received light level approaches the switching threshold

Red (TEACH Mode):

OFF when no signal is received.
Pulses to indicate signal strength (received light level). Rate is proportional to
signal strength (the stronger the signal, the faster the pulse rate). This is a
function of Banner’s patented Alignment Indicating Device (AID™, US patent

Alternating Red/Green:

Microprocessor memory error (see Troubleshooting, page 7)


Yellow (Static TEACH):

ON to indicate sensor is ready to learn output ON condition
OFF to indicate sensor is ready to learn output OFF condition

Yellow (Dynamic TEACH): Pulses at 0.5 Hz when ready to sample

ON to indicate Dynamic TEACH sampling
OFF to indicate sampling was accepted

Yellow (RUN Mode):

ON when outputs are conducting


ABS/polycarbonate housing, acrylic lenses

Environmental Rating

Meets NEMA 6; IEC IP67


PVC-jacketed 5-conductor 2 m (6.5') or 9 m (30') unterminated cable, or 5-pin Euro-style
quick-disconnect (QD) fitting are available. QD cables are ordered separately; see page 10.

Operating Conditions

Temperature: -20° to +70°C (-4° to +158°F)

Maximum relative humidity: 90% at 50°C (non-condensing)

Application Notes

The first condition presented during TEACH mode becomes the output ON condition.

Effective Beam

1.8 mm (0.07")