Ip setup, Setup via ethernet port – Belkin ePowerSwitch User Manual

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IP Setup

This section describes the IP set up & configuration of the
ePowerSwitch System when you connect it to the network.

There are four different ways to setup ePowerSwitch.

1. Setup IP address via Ethernet port using the ARP

command (first time only), then use a Web browser to
setup all the parameters. This is the easiest way to

2. Setup via serial RS232 port using terminal software,

e.g. Windows HyperTerminal.

3. Setup via USB port using ePowerSwitch USBSetup

software (USBSetup software included).

4. Setup IP address by using ARP command (first time

only), then use telnet command to do the rest of the
setup. The setup interface is the same as serial RS232
port setup.

5. Setup IP address via Ethernet cascaded cable.

1.Setup via Ethernet port

Before setup you need:
1. IP address: Get a valid IP address from administrator.
2. MAC address: Find MAC address on the front panel of

the Web Card.

3. Default password: admin