Banner MAXI-AMP Series User Manual

Page 5

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A group of ten switches, located on the side of the module opposite the amplifier program

switches, is used to select the timing logic for the CR5 models.

Switches #1 through #7 are used to select the logic function. Switch #8 programs the

output for either NORMALLY OPEN or NORMALLY CLOSED operation. Switches #9

and #10 program the time range(s). There are three ranges: 10 to 150 milliseconds, 0.1 to

1.5 seconds, and 1 to 15 seconds. The programmed range will be the same for both func-

tions of a dual timing mode (ON & OFF DELAY, DELAYED ONE-SHOT, and REPEAT

CYCLE). However, DELAY and HOLD times are independently adjustable within the

selected range.

Amplifier response conditions may be programmed via the group of

four switches located on one of the narrow sides of the MAXI-AMP

Switch #1 selects the amount of amplifier hysteresis. Hysteresis is

the amount of signal change beyond the switching threshold which is

required to cause the amplifier output to change state, and is expressed

as a percent of amplifier gain. The NORMAL setting of 20% should

always be used, except for low contrast situations such as many color

registration applications.

NOTE: the LOW hysteresis setting should be used only when all

sensing conditions remain stable. "Buzzing" of the output (in ON/OFF

and LIMIT operation) or false outputs (in DELAY, ONE-SHOT, or

LATCH operation) may occur if sensing variables (e.g.- web flutter)

result in optical contrast approaching unity.

Switches #2 and #3 are used to program the amplifier response

time. The 10 millisecond setting should be used whenever possible

for the greatest immunity to electrical interference ("noise"). The

2 millisecond setting has more interference rejection than the 0.3

millisecond mode. Sensor performance (excess gain) is identical in

all three response settings.


The diagram shows switch locations, and

the table summarizes the program switch


The diagram at the left shows the location of switches 1-4, and

the table summarizes the settings required for each response


NOTE: an adhesive-backed mylar label is supplied, which may

be marked to indicate switch programming and then applied to

the MAXI-AMP housing as a switch cover.

Factory settings shown at
left. "Underlined" settings
in table below are factory

Settings illustrated below are factory settings. Factory settings are "underlined" in the table.

Timing Logic Programming (CR5 models)

Amplifier Programming (all models)

Switch #4 is used to select LIGHT OPERATE or DARK OPER-

ATE. In the LIGHT OPERATE mode, the output will energize

(in ON/OFF or LATCH operation) or the timing function will

initiate (in DELAY, ONE-SHOT, or LIMIT operation) when

the receiver "sees" sufficient light (excess gain greater than

1X). In DARK OPERATE, the output will energize or timing

will begin when the receiver is sufficiently dark (excess gain

less than 1X).