Always start and shut down titric first – Metrohm TitrIC 2 User Manual

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Application Bulletin 286 e
Installation Instructions of TitrIC 2
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6.3 Configuration of IC Net

Start IC Net 2.3


Options / Global Preferences

the following must be marked: under

If method changed - Don’t ask

to save


System file overwrite - Always


With the TitrIC software predefined IC systems are also installed. These are found under

C:\Program Files\Metrohm\IC Net 2.3\IC Net\Systems\Anion\anion.smt


C:\Program Files\Metrohm\IC Net

2.3\IC Net\Systems\Cation\cation.smt

. Open the two systems, click on

Control / Connect to workplace

and choose the right COM-Port. If you don’t know to which COM-Ports the systems are
connected to you have to try out until you have communication between PC and the 861. Work
should always be carried out with these systems, as otherwise the result transfer to TitrIC will
be disturbed. This is why, if the systems have to be altered, the existing system is always
altered and saved under the same name.

The suppressor step is not made at the start of the measurement in the usual way, but with Fill

directly after the end of the chromatogram. These means that after long pauses between
measurements the suppression may no longer function. This is why after longer pauses you
should carry out a suppressor step manually and ensure that the injection valve is in the Fill

Depending on the application and column it may be necessary to adapt the time program in the

IC system: Inject should always be carried out right at the start (0.10 min) of the time program,
Fill right at the end. In this way you can start to measure with a stable baseline immediately
after the sample loop has been filled by the Dosinos.

If a calibration is carried out later and the new calibration data are to be applied to a sample that

has already been measured then this is possible by using TitrIC – see the online help of the
TitrIC software under

Database / Recalculate / Recalculate

for the results of several samples.

Shut down IC Net 2.3

6.4 Configuration



TitrIC is started (tiamo and IC Net are started automatically at the same time)

All paths have already been entered as defaults and the system is ready for work. If other paths

have been used instead of the default paths then this must be altered in the corresponding
dialog under

Workplace / Settings / …


TitrIC starts tiamo and IC Net at the same time. However, the tiamo window is not visible, but

can be brought to the foreground in TitrIC via

View / Show tiamo


If TitrIC is shut down then tiamo will also be shut down automatically – but IC Net must always
be shut down individually. Always shut down TitrIC as the first program! If tiamo is accidentally
shut down first then TitrIC is also no longer visible; the program will continue to run in the
background. It can then be shut down with a right-hand click on an empty position in the


and a left-hand click on

Task manager / Processes / TitrIC.exe / End process


For further information please consult the TitrIC online help (

? / Show Help

) or contact the

responsible person at your local Metrohm agency. You can also report your problems to the
following support email: [email protected].

Always start and shut down TitrIC first!