4 handling and maintenance, 1 sensor monitoring via remote interface, 1 input lines – Metrohm 849 Level Control User Manual

Page 21: 2 scan command, Sensor monitoring via remote interface, Input lines, Scan command

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4 Handling and maintenance

849 Level Control



4 Handling and maintenance


Sensor monitoring via remote interface

The 849 Level Control is connected to the remote interface of a suitable
Metrohm device. Metrohm Sample Processors, ProfIC and Titrando sys-
tems can scan the input lines of the remote interface in a method run and
thus check the status of a Level Control sensor.

A total of 8 lines (Input 0…7) are available. The 849 Level Control uses the
remote lines Input 4, 5, 6, and 7. Input 2 can, depending on the configu-
ration of the Level Control, be used as a bus.


Input lines

The 8 input lines of the remote socket can be scanned in a method run
with the SCAN command. The method run will thereby be stopped until
the prescribed bit pattern matches the actual status of the input lines (e.g.
the entire status of the Level Control=Input 2). An 8-digit bit pattern must
be set for this purpose in which each bit is assigned to one input line. In
the event of a match, the method run will be resumed with the next com-



7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(The bits are always numbered from right to left)



expects an inactive input line 2 (0=not activated). This
line is set by the 849 Level Control, in the event that a
sensor signal has been set.

Input lines that are of no interest or for which no defined condition can be
predicted should also be masked with an asterisk (*).


SCAN command


Binary pattern



Overall status ok


No sensor signal active

Overall status "active"


At least one sensor signal active

Full level 1 ok


Overflow monitoring 1: every-
thing ok