Metrohm 896 Professional Detector – Conductivity & Amperometry User Manual

Page 45

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6 Troubleshooting

2.896.0030 896 Professional Detector – Conductivity & Amperometry





baseline corresponds to the one in the Appli-
cation Works.

Detector parameters –
Potentials set incorrectly.

Set the potentials to correspond to the specifi-
cations in the leaflet and in the Application

Incorrect eluent in the ref-
erence chamber.

Remove purge stopper on the measuring cell,
wait until approx. 1 mL of eluent has emerged,
screw the purge stopper back in tightly.

Electrodes contaminated.

Clean and polish working electrode.

Possibly clean the auxiliary electrode.

Replace the reference electrode with a
well-conditioned new reference electrode.

Very noisy baseline.

Disruptive influences from

In the DC mode: Switch on the damping.

In the other measuring modes: Set a suita-
ble smaller measuring range.

Attach the front lid.

Ag/AgCl reference elec-
trode worn out.

Replace the reference electrode .

Auxiliary electrode conta-

Clean the auxiliary electrode of the measuring
cell .

Working electrode conta-

Clean and polish the working electrode
(see the leaflet for the working electrode).

Replace the GC working electrode if it has
been used with oxidative potentials at the
upper limit and polishing no longer helps.

Air bubble in the measur-
ing cell.

Deaerate the measuring cell (see Chapter 4.6,
page 27)

Background current too
high, e.g. caused by conta-
minated eluent.

Check the background current, e.g. use fresh