DgFlick IDCardXpress User Manual
Page 43

User Manual-2.0
If you want a duplex Card with front and back printing check the check box
Define the safe area like left, right, top and
, on the lower right-hand corner to
save the article you created (Image
Leaving either the ‘Name’ or the ‘Ref.
Image’ field blank will not allow you to save
the article.
Image New Article created
The new article is created and can be viewed along with the predefined articles.
Keep mouse pointer on
to view the
details of any particular Article.
Click on
to edit the existing Article.
Clicking on
lets you delete the Article
! At any point during the process, you could click on the back button
to go back to the previous Window.
On clicking this button, you are offered the chance to save/not save your changes or cancel the ‘Back’ command.
You could also click on
to go back to the home page.
After creating your own size or article it’s time to create your own Design.
Select desired size for ID Card design and click on
to go to ‘Create Design’ Window.
‘Create Design’ Window
You will be redirected to a blank page to Design your ID Card.