Bully Dog 81420 Rapid Flow User Manual
Page 5

rAPid FlOW inSTAllATiOn
rapid Flow exhaust # 81420
In these steps you will remove the stock exhaust system.
1. Use a sawzall to cut the exhaust im-
mediately behind the muffler.
2. Cut the exhaust using a sawzall 4”
behind the catalytic converter.
3. Unbolt the flange at the front of the catalytic
converter and remove the catalytic converter for
installation later.
4. Cut the exhaust at the bottom of the down pipe.
5. Cut the flange off of the turbo down pipe. This
is required in order to remove the stock down pipe.
Remove the stock down pipe by removing it from
underneath the vehicle.
6. Loosen the stock band clamp that is holding what is
left of the stock down pipe using a 7/16” deep socket
wrench. The stock bank clamp will be
used on the new system.
7. Remove each piece of the stock ex-
haust system, including the stock exhaust
hangers. To make removal of the hangers an easier
process, it is recommended that you use
a silicone spray lubricant to spray each of
the rubber hangers that hold the stock
#2 Cut Exhaust
in front of band clamp
#3 Cut on the Flange / Loosen Band Clamp
#5 Remove necessary exhaust hangers
#1 Cut Exhaust after muffler
Loosen Band Clamp
Cut on Flange
#4 Cut Bottom of Down Pipe and top of turbo flange