Rapid flow installation – Bully Dog 81203 Rapid Flow User Manual
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rAPid FlOW inSTAllATiOn
rapid Flow exhaust # 81610,81203
1.Use a sawzall to cut the exhaust
immediately behind the muffler.
2.Then cut the exhaust 4 inches be-
hind the catalytic converter in front
of the band clamp.
3.Next unbolt the front of the Catalytic Converter.
4.Then make a cut at the bottom of the down pipe.
5.Use a 7/16” deep socket to loosen
the stock band clamp at the top of
the stock down pipe. The stock band
clamp will be reused, so you will not
need to completely remove it.
6.Remove each piece of the stock exhaust system,
including the stock hangers. To make removing
the Hangers easier, it is recommended that you
use a silicone spray on each of the
rubber hangers that hold the stock
ImpoRTaNT: It is illegal in all 50 states to remove the catalytic converter.
#2 Cut Exhaust
in front of band clamp
#3 Unbolt Catalytic Converter
#3 Loosen Band Clamp
#1 Cut Exhaust after muffler
Band Clamp
#4 Remove necessary exhaust hangers
In these steps you will remove the stock exhaust system.