Install download, Transmission firmness firm – Bully Dog 40510 Triple Dog Gas Downloader User Manual
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ford, lincoln Vehicle specific tUning featUres
TRanSMiSSion Tuning (auToMaTiC onlY, ExCluDES ‘09):
Two different options exist for transmission tuning, choose to accept a Bully Dog Custom transmission tune or to
leave transmission tuning stock.
firm tune - This tune will affect shift firmness and shift points.
It is an optimized tune designed for performance.
stock tune - Choose this option to utilize the factory shift
TRanSMiSSion ShiFT PoinTS (auToMaTiC onlY, ExCluDE ‘09):
This feature allows you to raise or lower the point that the vehicle shifts from first to second gear, second to third
gear, and third to fourth gear based on engine rpms. Adjust shift points from 4400 up to 5800 before each gear
change in increments of 100 RPMs. To choose recommended shift points press “n.”
EnginE REV liMiTER:
Adjust the maximum engine RPM, The Rev Limiter also determines the maximum RPM that shift points can take
place. The Rev Limiter can be adjusted up to 8000 rpm on the Ford models.
Shift Point 2-3
Select level
Press Y to
Transmission Firmness
Select level
Press Y to