Install download, Speed limiter, Speed limiter 70 – Bully Dog 40510 Triple Dog Gas Downloader User Manual
Page 18: Speed limiter adjustment by make, Power level

install download
UniVersal tUning featUres
EnginE Tuning (ChooSE a PERFoRManCE EnginE TunE):
The Triple Dog Gas contains two engine tunes, both packed with performance and fuel economy. It is important
to pay attention to the restrictions of each engine tune, do not run the Premium tune unless the vehicle has at
least 91 octane fuel in the fuel tank.
use the up and down arrows to highlight an option, press “Y” to
premium – Select this option for maximum performance gains (must
run at least 91 rated octane gasoline to use this setting.)
regular – Select this option for medium performance gains, run any
grade of fuel with this setting.
stock – Select stock to utilize other Triple Dog Gas features without affecting horsepower.
The OEM speed limiter will limit the vehicle to a top speed that
is determined by the OEM. This features enables changing the
OEM speed limiter to a higher or lower point. By selecting yes to
remove the speed limiter you agree that your vehicle has tires,
suspension, and any other necessary modifications rated for
speeds in excess of 140 mph.
The speed limiter can be adjusted from 50 miles per hour up to
135 mph in increments of 5 mph.
* feature not available on every vehicle application.
Speed Limiter
Press Y to modify
Speed Limiter
Press N to use
Stock Speed Limiter
Speed Limiter
Select speed
Press Y to
To activate and utilize the speed limiter down-
load feature, the feature must be activated
during the download.
Speed Limiter adjustment by make
40 mph
180 mph
40 mph
126 mph
50 mph
135 mph
Power Level
Select Level
Press Y to