Internet update – Bully Dog 40621 Case IH 8.3L & 9.0L Common Rail Module User Manual

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IMPORTANT: The information on this page is applicable to all vehicles and tractors.


The Rapid Power Module is internet updatable. To update remove cover from the mod-

ule and insert a USB cable into the USB port. Ensure that you have downloaded the Update agent.
The Update Agent will automatically recognize the module and prompt you to update the module if an
update is available. Simply visit Bully Dog’s web site


access the Download center to obtain the latest version of the Rapid Power Module.

The most efficient way of keeping up to date with Bully Dog product versions is to use the Update
Agent©. The Update Agent is a software program developed by Bully Dog Technologies specifically to
update Bully Dog products. The Update Agent is easy to use, it can be loaded on any windows based
PC running Windows 2003 or newer. The Update Agent is attainable free of charge at the Bully Dog
download center or by ordering a CD ROM through a Bully Dog distributor.

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