Bayer HealthCare Ascensia Contour Blood Glucose Monitoring System User Manual
Page 25
What You See
What it Means
What You Should Do
Test result is above
Wash your hands and test site. Repeat
600 mg/dL
the test. If the test result is still
(33.3 mmol/L)
“HI,” contact your physician or
healthcare professional (HCP)
CAUTION: Glucose levels above
250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) may
indicate a potentially serious medical
Control Test
• Control Solution is
Check all expiration dates. Do not
result is out-of-
past expiration date
use expired testing materials. Run
range (too high
or is past the 3-month another Control Test. If still out-of-
or too low).
open use date.
range, retest with a new Test Strip
• Test Strip is past
and Control Solution. If still out of
expiration date or is
range, call our Customer Service
past the 6 month
Department (1-800-348-8100).
open use date.
• Deteriorated Test
Strip due to heat,
cold or exposure to
• Control Solution not
at room temperature.
Some display
Possible meter elec-
Replace batteries. If display is still
segments do
tronics or battery
incorrect, call our Customer
not appear
failure. Compare display
Service Department (1-800-348-8100)
during self-test.
with picture on inside
immediately. This may affect the
of Front Cover.
way you see your results.