Bennett Marine Premier Line Systems User Manual
Page 15

Major Benefits Include:
Fuel Savings: A properly trimmed vessel can significantly reduce fuel costs by
15%. The ATC not only monitors and trims the boat, it does it more frequently and
accurately than a human.
Optimized Ride: When weight shifts, speed changes, winds shift, or water
conditions change, the ATC system adapts and corrects. It provides the best ride
that can be achieved with the vessel.
No Guesswork: The ATC monitors and maintains the optimal cruising attitude.
The captain can spend less time operating the trim controls.
Bennett pioneered the Auto Tab Control (ATC) to make the boater’s experience on the water even better. It easily connects with the SST System by
plugging directly into the EIC Relay Module. It does exactly what it says it does — interacting with the SST System to automatically monitor your
vessel’s position and maintain the optimum cruising attitude.
Optional Auto Tab Control
Get a Perfectly Trimmed Vessel — Every Time
The ATC calculates and analyzes
attitude readings more than a
thousand times per second.
It learns and stores the vessel’s
characteristics in its memory and
uses this information for precise trim
tab corrections. Since it averages the
readings, it won’t over-correct in rough
water or momentary weight shifts.
The operator sets the vessel’s optimum
running attitude as the Zero Point. The
ATC retains this attitude in memory.
Now with Fewer Components
The original ATC won the coveted Innovation of the Year Award from the
National Marine Manufacturer’s Association, the largest marine industry
association in the United States. The new version of the ATC, the AC3000, offers
the same benefits with an easier installation. It incorporates new technology
that allows it to be more compact, with fewer components.
The Auto Tab Control maintains the
best running attitude possible for the
boat by automatically adjusting the
trim tabs to changes in vessel speed,
sea conditions and shifting weight.
As long as the trim tabs are of correct
size and the speed is adequate, the ATC
will recreate the programmed attitude
regardless of changing conditions.