Dual acting sst system troubleshooting guide – Bennett Marine Premier Line Systems User Manual
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Dual Acting SST System Troubleshooting Guide
STEP 1A — Troubleshooting for Port DAHPU and Port Dual Acting Relay Module
Touch positive to Red and Blue Simultaneously
Port trim tab up
Touch positive to Green and Blue Simultaneously
Port trim tab down
STEP 1B — Troubleshooting for Starboard DAHPU and Starboard Dual Acting Relay Module
Touch positive to Green and Blue Simultaneously
Starboard trim tab down
Touch positive to Green and Yellow Simultaneously
Starboard trim tab up
Touch positive to Red and Blue Simultaneously
Starboard trim tab up
Touch positive to Green and Blue Simultaneously
Starboard trim tab down
Unplug the port Dual Acting Hydraulic Power Unit (DAHPU) from the Port Dual Acting Relay Module (RMPORTDA). Using a hot lead,
directly power the DAHPU plug as shown below:
If the port trim tab does not move when powered through the Port Dual Acting Relay Module, then the RMPORTDA is faulty.
* This system could contain up to five (5) fuses — three (3) 1.5 amp, with two (2) 10 amp (24V) or two (2) 20 amp (12V). The boat builder could
have replaced these fuses with breakers, or used breakers and inline fuses.
** There are five (5) ground (black wires) — two (2) DAHPUs, two (2) Dual Acting Relay Modules and one (1) EIC Relay Module.
If the port trim tab does not move when DAHPU is powered direct, then the port DAHPU or port actuator(s) are faulty. Contact Bennett Marine.
Unplug the starboard Dual Acting Hydraulic Power Unit (DAHPU) from the Starboard Dual Acting Relay Module (RMSTBDDA). Using
a hot lead, directly power the DAHPU plug as shown below:
Before proceeding with the tests below, verify that each orange power wire is connected to a live positive power source, and that the
fuses* are not blown. Make sure that each black wire has a good connection to ground.** After this is complete, conduct the tests below.
If the port trim tab still moves, plug the DAHPU back into the Port Dual Acting Relay Module (RMPORTDA). Unplug the RMPORTDA
from the EIC Dual Pump Cable (Y-Harness). Take the RMPORTDA and using a hot lead directly power the three-color wire pigtail
featuring a red heat shrink collar as shown below:
If the starboard trim tab does not move when DAHPU is powered direct, then the starboard DAHPU or starboard actuator(s) are faulty.
Contact Bennett Marine for assistance.
If the starboard trim tab still moves, plug the DAHPU back into the Starboard Dual Acting Relay Module (RMSTBDDA). Unplug the
RMSTBDDA from the EIC Dual Pump Cable (Y-Harness). Take the RMSTBDDA and using a hot lead directly power the three-color wire
pigtail featuring a green heat shrink collar as shown below:
If the starboard trim tab does not move when powered through the Starboard Dual Acting Relay Module, then the RMSTBDDA is faulty.
Touch positive to Red and Blue Simultaneously
Port trim tab down
Touch positive to Red and Yellow Simultaneously
Port trim tab up