Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems EC-14 ANTILOCK CONTROLLER 5/04 User Manual

Page 11

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This red LED illuminates and latches on in order to indicate
the location of a problem component or its wiring. It will
light in conjunction with either the FRONT or REAR LED
and SENS LED. This LED should not light when a MOD
LED is on.


This red LED illuminates and latches on in order to indicate
the location of a problem component or its wiring. It will
light in conjunction with either the FRONT or REAR LED
and SENS LED. This LED should not light when a MOD
LED is on.


This red LED illuminates and latches on to indicate a
permanent or intermittent open or short circuit in the
solenoids of one of the two modulators or the wiring
connecting them to the system. The MOD LED will illuminate
in conjunction with either the FRONT or REAR LED.


This red LED illuminates and latches on to indicate
permanent or intermittent problem. The faults indicated are;
open or shorted wheel speed sensor, open or shorted wheel
speed sensor wiring, wheel speed signal not present or does
not conform to design criteria. The SENS LED will illuminate
in conjunction with either the FRONT or REAR and either


This red LED, when illuminated, indicates that the controller
itself has failed. It is latched on for all EC-14


faults except low voltage. For voltages less than 9 vdc, the
LED illuminates to indicate the controller is inoperative,
however when the voltage again exceeds 9 vdc the LED will
go out by itself.


This green LED illuminates and remains on during vehicle
operation to indicate that vehicle power is reaching the
controller. If vehicle power is out of range for proper operation
(below 10 vdc or above 17 vdc) this LED will flash until power
is brought into range. This LED may also flash indicating
that a “marginal” low voltage condition existed at the time of
an antilock event.


Beneath the RESET area of the window display is a
magnetically sensitive switch that is used to reset the
diagnostic system. The device will respond to a magnet
which has strength sufficient to lift a three (3) ounce weight.
Holding a magnet against the RESET will cause all LEDs to
light during the time the magnet is against it.



While the EC-14

controller diagnostic display locates a

specific problem area, it is still necessary to confirm whether
the problem resides in the component itself or the wiring.
Basically the troubleshooting procedure that follows is
devoted to narrowing the problem to either the wiring or a
specific antilock component. It should be noted that all
troubleshooting begins by observing the antilock status
lamp on the dash while performing the "Initial Start-
up Procedure"
and following the directions contained in
the procedure.


1. Record all findings and the action taken during the

troubleshooting process. The record sheet should be
filed in the trailer maintenance folder for future reference
and comparison.

2. No voltage or resistance tests are performed into

the EC-14

controller. All voltage and resistance tests

are performed by beginning at the wire harness half of
the connector and moving away from the EC-14

controller toward an antilock system component
(modulator, wheel speed sensor, etc.).