Autocue QMaster User Manual

Page 6

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Allow On-Air Item Deletes: If enabled, the story currently on prompter can be deleted via a MOS
update. Note: this may cause a flash to appear on the prompter as the story is deleted.

Allow On-Air Updates: If enabled, the story currently on prompter can be updated via a MOS update.
Note: this may cause a flash to appear on the prompter as the story is updated.

Strip ‘Not Captioned’ Text: If enabled, ‘not captioned’ text (text that is not meant to be sent to closed
captioning) will be completely removed from the story received via MOS. Thus this text will not be

Prompt ‘Not Prompted’ Text: If enabled, ‘not prompted’ text (text that is not meant to be prompted)
will instead be prompted.

Strip ‘Not Prompted’ Text: If enabled, ‘not prompted’ text (text that is not meant to be prompted) will
instead be completely removed from the story received via MOS. Thus this text will not be prompted
and not be captioned.

Strip Blank Lines: If enabled, blank lines in the story will be removed.

Convert Multiple Hard Returns To Single: If enabled, two or more Hard Returns in a row will be
replaced with a single Hard Return.

Force Text to Upper Case: If enabled, all text received will be forced to upper case.two or more Hard
Returns in a row will be replaced with a single Hard Return.

Put Empty Items On Hold: If enabled, any stories received containing no text will be treated as ‘on hold’
(floated). This option will help to reduce the amount of story titles displayed on the prompter.

Use ENPS Command Processing: If enabled, text received delimited with certain characters will be
treated as described:
Round Brackets () - Not Captioned
Square Brackets [] - Strip/Remove
Angled Brackets <> - Not Prompted
Curly Brackets {} - Not Captioned

Show MOS data: If enabled MOS data will be displayed.

Update Frequency (ms): Set how often QMaster should check for updates via MOS. Default is 5000
milliseconds (5 seconds).

Skip to Step 7.