Create or modify an inews server connection – Autocue AutocueNI-iNews User Manual
Page 8

©2003-2007 Autocue Group Ltd
iNews Integration Configuration Guide [071214]
Section 1: Configure QMaster for iNews Integration
Configure the Autocue prompting client
Create or modify an iNews server connection
Integration Configuration
1.1.2: Create or modify an iNews server connection
Use the following steps to configure how QMaster and an iNews server
A separate profile must be created for every iNews server set
to which you wish to connect.
1. From the QMaster main menu bar, select
T o o l s > > O p t i o n s . . . > >
N e w s I n t e r f a c e s .
2. Scroll down and select the iNews entry.
3. Click
A d d and enter the appropriate information in the fields on the
various tabs.
S e r v e r N a m e is a reference name, NOT
D e s c r i p t i o n : Use this box to enter the details of what the queue is used
for, for example 'Sport Queue'.
U s e r N a m e : In order to connect to iNews via QMaster it is necessary that
you are a user on the iNews system. Enter your iNews user name here
along with your login password.
A u t o S e l e c t D i r : This is used to open a specific directory location when
opening iNews, if it is left empty you will go to the root directory. For this
option to become available ensure that the 'Direct to Queue' checkbox has
not been selected.
I n i t i a l P a t h : This is used to get to a specific directory folder when
opening iNews.