Configure qmaster to inews connection, Amend connections – Autocue AutocueNI-iNews User Manual

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©2003-2007 Autocue Group Ltd

iNews Integration Configuration Guide [071214]

Section 1: Configure QMaster for iNews Integration

Configure the Autocue prompting client

Configure QMaster to iNews connection

Integration Configuration




If you have more than one iNews server cluster, a separate

profile must be created for cluster.

5. When you have entered the required server information, click on the OK

button. The server name entered will be displayed in the Configured

Servers list.

6. Repeat this process for each iNews server you will access from QMaster.

Amend connections.

At any time, if you need to change an existing

connection, select

T o o l s > > O p t i o n s . . . > > N e w s I n t e r f a c e s to open the list

of iNews servers. Select the required server and click

M o d i f y to access the

required fields.

1.1.3: Configure QMaster to iNews connection

After you have created a connection to an iNews server, you will need to configure

how QMaster processes the information from it.

The following procedure outlines configuring the connection.

1. Click the

O t h e r S e t t i n g s tab.

2. Make the required selections from the list of parameters shown.

D e f a u l t S c r i p t F o n t : Click on this button and select the font you wish

to be used in all your downloaded iNews scripts.




A font size between 80 and 100 is recommended.

M a x i m u m T r a s h c a n S i z e : Specify the maximum number of items that

can be stored in the QMaster trashcan (the default is 250).
K e e p o l d c o p i e s o f r e p l a c e d i t e m s i n t r a s h c a n : By selecting this

option, old copies of updated items will be kept in the trashcan.
C o n v e r t a T a b : Enter a value to specify the number of spaces used

when hitting the Tab key.
C o n v e r t S t r i n g t o M a r k e r : By entering a word or character in this box,

any occurrences of this word or character within the imported text will be