Autocue AutocueNI-iNews User Manual

Page 12

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©2003-2007 Autocue Group Ltd

iNews Integration Configuration Guide [071214]

Section 1: Configure QMaster for iNews Integration

Configure the Autocue prompting client

Configure QMaster to iNews connection

Integration Configuration

5. Click the

P r e s e n t e r S e t t i n g s tab to specify which parameters may be

set for an individual presenter.




Parameters that are not checked are fixed for all presenters.

6. Click the

P r e s e n t e r s tab to display a list of presenters currently

available for inclusion in scripts.

7. For details about creating and modifying Presenters, refer to the QMaster

User Guide, section 8.5: Presenters.

Presenter profiles created via the iNews interface are automatically added

to the runorders and scripts downloaded from the iNews server.

8. Click the

B a n n e r tab to change the parameters defining the appearance

of the prompter banner.

9. Select

E n a b l e d if you want information to be included at the beginning

of each item in a prompted script.

Enter a value in the

P a d d i n g field to increase the thickness of the banner.

The values in the

T r a i l i n g G a p field increases the distance between the