Ambient ACL 203 User Manual

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The Lockit synchroniser ACL 203


The Ambient Lockit ACL 203 is a highly accurate portable timecode and video
sync generator. Audio and video machines such as DAT, harddisc and DVD
recorders and HD and Digibeta cameras can be synchronised to the Lockit box,
thus giving very low drift between machines, allowing multicamera shoots to be
carried out without cables or timecode radio links.
Typically, the drift will be less than one half frame a day, giving problem free
editing and syncing in post production.
The Lockit can be used in any recording situation where the accuracy of the TC
generators in the different machines is not known and where a cable connection
is not possible. Each machine is jamsynced and Genlocked, (if possible,) to its
own Lockit which is synced to a common source before the machines start. The
Lockit can be jam synced with external timecode, set using the Ambient
Controller ACC501 via ASCII through cable or Infra Red, or set by Aaton
"OrigenC" ASCII code.

Special Features

Clockit tunable reference oscillator for timecode generation gives typically

less then one half frame a day timecode drift.

Hightly accurate DTCXO reference oscillator. Can be calibrated in the field

to 0.2ppm using Clockit Controller ACC101 or ACC501.

Crystal oscillator for video and trilevelsync locked to reference oscillator

low jitter high stability signals.

24, 23.98, 25, 29.97, 30 Frame Timecode locked to PAL, NTSC and HD

formats (SMPTE 296M and SMPTE 274M), Wordclock or AES-3 black audio
in all standard sample rates with pull-up and pull-down.

Drop frame timecodes can be selected

Extensive unit monitoring through 2 LEDs

DC/DC converter for long life. Please refer to 1.4 for battery lifetime and low

battery reference.