BEA Iris Presence Detector User Manual
Safety compliance, The iris bea’s presence detector for

The Iris is a presence detector
utilizing focused active infrared
technology to provide increased
safety for all types of automatic doors.
The Iris will easily bring your
existing doors up to the safety
requirements of the new
2005 ANSI 156.10 standard
Why wait? Start upgrading now!
The 2005 ANSI 156.10 Standard requires existing automatic sliding doors with a
double set of beams to add an overhead sensor on the opposite side of the beams.
This provides a retrofit opportunity for existing doors with beams as primary safety.
What are you waiting for?
Proven infrared technology based on the wizard platform (2 rows of 24 beams of
focused infrared beams for extra safety).
> Efficient performance thus, less service calls.
Provides optimal level of safety throughout door opening and door closing cycles.
> Increased safety thus, potentially reducing your liability.
Ability to provide sidelite protection with the option to inhibit safety curtain
furthest from the door. Infinite learn time and high mounting capability make it
ideal for industrial safety applications.
> Versatile features provide additional opportunity for different applications
in multiple markets.
Faster set-up time of 2, 6, and 16 seconds.
> Quick and convenient installation.
BEA’s Presence
Detector for