Voice actions commands, Google now card list – Wintec FileMate Clear X2 and X4 Tablets User Manual

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Voice Actions commands

V o i c e A c t i o n s a r e o n l y s u p p o r t e d i n E n g l i s h , F r e n c h , G e r m a n , S p a n i s h , a n d I t a l i a n .

To see examples of Voice Actions commands on the Google Now screen, say “Google,” then
“Help.”This table also lists so me key Voice Actions phrases.

Say Followed by Examples

“OPEN” App Name “OPEN Gmail”

“ CREATE A CALENDAR EVENT ” “Event description” & “create a calendar event:
“day/ date” & “time” Dinner in San Francisco, Saturday,
at 7:00pm”
“MAP of” Address, name, business “Map of Golden Gate Park,
Name, type of business, or San Francsico”
Other location
Post to Google” What you want posted to “Post to Google + I’m going out
Google + of town.”
What’s this song?” When you hear a song, ask,
“what’s this song?”

Google Now Card list

Cards are displayed when you’re most likely to need them. Most are based on information
available to your Google account, such as your current location, recent searches, or calendar

Gmail cards display information based on recent confirmation messages in the Gmail account
you’ve selected for use with Google Now.

Travel cards appear when you’re away from home. The samples that follow show some typical
Google Now cards. New cards are added all the time. For a complete list of cards available with
the most recent Google Now release, go to

G o o g l e

Now card list
