Wintec FileMate Clear X2 and X4 Tablets User Manual

Page 39

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The italicized text explains why t he card has appeared at the cur rent time or location. In some
cases, you can also adjust preferences related to that

card (such as Fahrenheit or Celsius for the

Weather card). Some

cards also let you answer questions that help Google Now upgrade i t s

p e r f o r m a n c e .

To hide this information, touch the Info icon again. Some cards rely on details you specify about
your home and work addresses, the sports team or stocks you ’re following, and so on. To edit

such details, go to

M e n u

> S e t t i n g s > M y s t u f f .

A d j u s t n o t i f i c a t i o n s

When cards appear, you’ll receive a notification. You can touch the notification to open the
card, or swipe to dismiss it. F o r h i g h - p r i o r i t y c a r d n o t i f i c a t i o n s , y o u c a n s e t a r i n g t o n e
o r t u r n Vibrate on or off. You can also turn notifications for specif ic types of cards off
completely. To adjust notifications:

• Touch

M e n u

> S e t t i n g s > N o t i f i c a t i o n s

Use the Google Now widget

The Google Now widget displays a summary of your current Google Now cards, either on a Home
screen or on the lock screen. Touch the widget anywhere to see the details in Google Now.